Sunday, January 1, 2012


"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." - Hebrews 12:11

The New Year is here and I have not made any resolutions. A friend of mine worded it best, "No resolutions for me, just goals to continue."  Resolutions are easily broken and only bring self-condemnation, which is something I can do without.
This year my goal is to continue is becoming more disciplined in reading and studying God's word, and being consistent with exercise, both of which are vital to my health.

The scripture above is an encouragement to me. First, it brings truth to my soul, and truth brings inner strength. Second, it teaches me that discipline is something that doesn't just happen, you have to be "trained by it" which means to me this is a process which will involve hard work.......and yes, I find that encouraging.
A marathon runner didn't just start our running 26 miles, he had to train, hard!
A baseball pitcher didn't just "happen" to be a pitcher, he too had to train for it, and so on and so on.

I want to reap the "harvest of righteousness and peace" - the fruit that comes from being trained to be disciplined.
What is goal are you continuing this year? What is your motivation?

1 comment:

  1. "footprints"

    FYI~ I have borrowed "footprints" from friends; to use when you want to let a person know you you've "been there," heard their words, and listened!
